Sunday, September 7, 2008

boogy boarding in a pool of waves

Two weekends ago i went to my friend Tami's house for her dad's birthday barbeque. We ate at her house and drove around in the car having a jolly ol' time. We also swam in her swimming pool where we had this crazy idea that someone would jump in the pool and make a lot of huge waves and everyone else would try to use the boogy board to catch the waves. This is where the physics part comes in. Travis jumped in the pool feet first trying to create the waves that Keenan would catch and try to ride. The first time, Travis' waves were tiny and Keenan had a hard time moving but the the second time, Daniel,who is heavier in weight, created bigger waves and alot of them that had carried Keenan and Travis across the pool. This means that the second time, we had increased the wavespeed by having a person that weighed more jump the exact same style and place as the first person. The greater the mass per unit length and tension had increased the wavespeed therefore creating more waves in a shorter amount of time. As the frequency increased, the wavelengths decreased. Waves are produced by vibrations and it transported the energy from the jumping boys into the water and carried everyone else from one side of the pool to the other. This is an example of a transverse wave in which the motion of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of the actual waves. This means that the water is actually moving up and down and staying in place while the waves and vibrations are being carried lateral. Physics is everywhere and its cool how we can all recognize it!

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