Monday, February 16, 2009

This past weekend it rained alot and i just began driving again. Because of my injury, i couldnt drive. Anyway, as i was driving to the soccer boys states, i got stuck in a lot of traffic because people were speeding and got into a multicar accident. This reminded me of what i learned in physics that if an object pushes another, the other object is pushing against it. The force is the same but the mass of one object may be larger and therefore the forces never cancel each other out. Throughout the whole weekend, I witnessed 3 car accidents. This isn't a good thing when i just started drving again, but i was aware of my surrounding and my SPEED limit because i know if i speed i could be in one of these accidents! I don't have a picture of one of these accidents but here's the cool soccer pics i took at the game that made me see all the accidents. Cool pics yah!=) congrats boys!

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